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Introduction > About us > How to become a client > I want banking services

I want banking services

At Fio banka we will open a current account for you quickly and without any fees. Don't want to visit a branch? Residents can open an account online.

3 steps to a current account without fees:

  1. Visit any of our branches.
  2. Prepare the necessary identification and documents (see below).
  3. Sign all contractual documentation.

Useful advice and tips:

  • Residents (physical people) can request an account online.
  • Take advantage of the Mobility Codex to make switching banks easier. How does it work?

What documents will you need?

a) Physical person (resident, non-entrepreneur):

  • EU citizen - valid identification card or passport.
  • Others - valid passport (in some cases 2 forms of identification are needed).

Note: an account can also be opened for minors but must opened by their legal guardian until such minor reaches 18 years of age on the basis of a form of identification of any minor children (a parent's identification card for example) or the birth certificate of the minor.

b) Physical person - entrepreneur:

Form of identification + trade license or an excerpt from the Trade License Register (original or certified copy).

c) Legal entity

Fio banka accepts electronically signed extracts from the Commercial Register (VOR), which are distributed through the portal www.justice.cz. These statements will be generated and verified by a bank employee at the branch (the bank will not accept statements from portal www.justice.cz which will not be created directly by the bank's employee). We also accept VOR created at CzechPoint branches, which must not be older than 6 months.

  • In case that VOR created at CzechPoint branch is provided to the bank and no credit is provided to the account, a copy of the VOR will be created at the branch, which the bank representative will provide with verification of accuracy.
  • If the Bank is provided with VOR created at a CzechPoint branch and a credit is provided to the account, the original or a certified copy of the VOR will remain unconditionally left at the branch including the documentation.
  • In the case that the internet pages of www.justice.cz are not available for any reason or will show obvious deficiencies, the Bank will require a VOR created at the CzechPoint branch.

In order to be accepted, the VOR must contain at least the following information: business name, company identification number, company residence address, sufficiently identified persons constituting the statutory body of the legal entity and their manner of acting for the company. If your statement does not meet the above requirements or your legal entity is not registered in the VOR, we recommend that you contact us before visiting the branch via https://www.fio.cz/o-nas/napiste-nam or via Fio service if available and consult the matter first.

Please note that under Act No. 253/2008 Coll., On certain measures against money laundering and terrorist financing, Fio banka, a.s. in cases stipulated by law, is obliged to ascertain the beneficial owner of the legal entity. If the beneficial owner and its ownership interest do not derive directly from the publicly available documents, as evidence of ownership structure it is considered eg the minutes of the General Meeting, an extract from the CDCP confirming ownership of the dematerialized shares or a solemn declaration of ownership interest. You can contact one of our branches in advance in order to receive information on need of providing additional documents before establishing a business relationship.


Contractual documentation

All necessary documents and sample contracts can be found here.


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