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Visa Gold

This non-contact embossed payment card is valid worldwide

  • can be used for cash withdrawals from ATMs
  • to pay for goods and services at all retailers who display the Visa logo
  • to pay for goods and services online

A Visa Gold card is automatically provided with Gold Class travel insurance and Extra class insurance against card misuse.

Benefits of Visa GoldVisa Gold

  • The card is valid for 4 years
  • All ATM withdrawals all over the world for free
  • Electronic changes to payment card limits - free
  • This card also features the non-contact payment card technology
  • The card is an embossed
  • CashBack service - free
  • Travel insurance (Gold version) - free
  • insurance against card misuse (Extra version) - free
  • Payment card PIN codes can be changed using Internet banking
  • Free issue, card management according to the current price list

Conditions and procedure to receive a payment card

A card can be connected to your current account in CZK and EUR. You can have multiple payment cards for multiple cardholders who do not need their own Fio banka accounts. The account connected to an issued card cannot be cancelled for the validity of the payment card.

Do you want a Visa Gold payment card?

Open a Fio banka account - more information.



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