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Introduction > Banking Services > Savings > Foreign currency deposits > Term deposit with the renewal in €

EUR-denominated term deposit with renewal

Fio banka offers EUR-denominated term deposits. One benefit of term deposits is the higher rate of return they offer. The price for the higher rate of return is the fact that the funds are bound to the deposit for the interest period, varying from one week to two years.

If the depositor does not cancel the account, the expiration of the period leads to the automatic renewal of the deposit under the conditions valid at the renewal date. All increased deposits and withdrawals are completed on the renewal date.

Benefits of term deposits

  • Above-standard returns on deposited funds.
  • Deposits are legally insured.
  • Account management - free.
  • Simple control using Internetbanking or Smartbanking.

How to set up a term deposit?

If you are a Fio banka client and have active Internetbanking or Smartbanking, you can create your own term deposits online. Another option is to visit any of the bank branches.

Interest conditions

- The minimum deposit account balance is €100.
- Interest rates are per annum (p.a.). These rates are fixed for physical persons and are declared for legal entities.

- Premature withdrawals from a term deposit with renewal is allowed but is subject to the penalty interest rate. The penalty is defined as Valid interest rate x (number of days to maturity / 365); however a minimum charge is €40.
- Characteristics of the individual types of accounts and possible handling of such accounts are shown in the valid Commercial Terms and Conditions for Opening and Managing Accounts.
- Deposits are insured up to 100% of the balance up to a maximum of €100,000 pursuant to Act No. 21/1992 Coll.

Fixed interest rate

TermThe interest rate
1 week2,10 %
2 weeks2,10 %
1 month2,10 %
2 months2,10 %
3 months2,10 %
6 months2,20 %
9 months2,00 %
12 months2,00 %
24 months2,00 %
36 months2,00 %
48 months2,00 %
60 months2,10 %

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